All new and continuing clergy, employees, and volunteers are required to renew and complete the "Safe and Sacred Protecting Children in the 21st Century" training module. This training is now provided online by the Diocese of Fresno.
The second module specifically for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist is required only for ministers visiting the hospitals and homebound parishioners. These volunteers will be required to complete both portions
The link to these Diocese of Fresno "Safe and Sacred Protecting Children in the 21st Century" training modules is located at . This 3-lesson course covers Child Abuse, Internet Safety and Bullying. This program replaces all "live" training presentations for adults. The Fresno Diocese "Code of Conduct" can be electronically signed following completion of this course. Certification is valid for 3 years.
All NEW volunteers MUST contact the parish office prior to accessing the Diocesan website for training.