The original image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is an icon, painted on wood, and seems to have originated around the thirteenth century. Traditionally, the image is also known as “Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.” The icon depicts our Blessed Mother Mary, under the title “Mother of God,” holding the Child Jesus. The intent of the artist was to portray the Child Jesus contemplating the vision of His future Passion.
In a very beautiful way, the Child Jesus grasps the hand of the Blessed Mother. The position of Mary’s hands– both holding the Child Jesus and presenting Him to us – convey the reality of our Lord’s incarnation, that He is true God who became also true man. In iconography, Mary here is represented as the Hodighitria, the one who guides us to the Redeemer. She also is our Help, who intercedes on our behalf with her Son.
The Church of St. Alphonsus in Rome displays the original icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and welcomes pilgrims for prayer.
The feast day of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is June 27th.
The window was donated by Mathilde R. Barreiro.