St. Brigid Catholic Church Hanford, CA
St. Brigid Catholic ChurchHanford, CA

Religious Education

The Religious Education Program at St. Brigid Church consists of Elementary Parish School of Religion (CCD), K-6, Adult Faith Formation, the R.C.I.A. Process, Sacramental Preparation Programs (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation),and Vacation Bible School.


Elementary Parish School of Religion (CCD)

Our Religious Program serves elementary grades: K-6.

We help students develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior. Our program consists of seven levels of religious formation. These levels do not correlate to the academic grade levels. Students who have not made their First Holy Communion must participate in a 2 year program.


A student can start 2nd level and complete 3rd level to do his/her First Communion. A student 9 yrs. old, or older, will be placed in the religious level according to his/her academic grade. He/she must participate one year of religious education according to his/her school grade. Second year, he/she will be placed in a Sacrament class where he/she will be prepared to do his/her First Communion on the second year.


A student, who is 8 years old and is currently in the 3rd grade, will be placed in the 2nd level so she/he could do 2 years of preparation to receive the First Communion while in 3rd level. The formation of faith should be an ongoing learning process; it does not stop after a student has done his/her First Communion.


When a student completes the 7th level he/she joins other teenagers in the Youth Group. Student must be picked up at 5:30 p.m. by a parent or an assigned registered adult. Regular attendance, ( no more than five excused absences), is very important and strongly encouraged so that the student may receive the full benefit of their religious education time. Our mission is to help parents in the religious, moral and spiritual development of their children. 

Vacation Bible School


We sing, pray, have rally games, eat snacks, do crafts, and have lots of fun! Students develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior. 

They will experience praying the Rosary and learn of the love our Blessed Mother has for them. 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A) Program

This program is for one year. We start in September and end on Easter Vigil. There can be no more than five absences (make-ups available). Our RCIA program consists of the steps and periods that make up the full and paradigmatic form of Christian initiation, in accord with the restoration of the integral catechumenate decreed by the Second Vatican Council.


It also consists of material for the adaptation of the rite to unbaptized children of catechetical age; situations in which those already baptized are either to be catechized and complete their Christian initiation or are to become part of the full communion of the Catholic Church. Unchatechized Adults will be prepared for Confirmation and Eucharist and/or for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church.


The rite of initiation is suited to a spiritual journey of adults that varies according to the many forms of God's grace, the free cooperation of the individuals, the action of the Church, and the cirmcumstances of time and place. Welcome!


By work and example, our goal is to support the parents and students of all programs, by providing quality religious education in a warm and caring environment. Working with parents, students and candidates, catechumens, will grow in love and knowledge of our God, realize their potential, and live as an active Catholic Christian and respectable citizen.


St Brigid Religious Education Program - Spanish
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St Brigid Religious Education Program - English
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Schedule of Masses

Saturday Vigil  4:00 PM

Sunday              8:00 AM

                           10:00 AM

      (Spanish)    12:00 PM


Daily Mass

Monday - Thursday 

                          7:00 AM

Friday              8:15 AM        

1st & Last Saturday of 

the month       9:00 AM


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Tuesday: 7:30 AM & 5:30 PM

Thursday: 7:30 AM & 12:00 PM

Or by appointment by calling the Parish Office.


St. Brigid Catholic Church

200 East Florinda Street

Hanford, CA 93230 559.582.2533

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 PM

Closed for lunch: 12:00 to 1:00 PM


You can reach Father Solorio by calling for an appointment @ 559-582-2533.

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© St. Brigid Catholic Church - 200 East Florinda Street, Hanford, CA 93230